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Children's Relationship With The Online World : CYBER SAFETY

Updated: Dec 5, 2022

What if I tell you that the online world is like a vitamin dose for your child and it will help them grow better?

Read the complete article before jumping to conclusions.

Every second parent you meet will complain about their children spending hours on the internet. To deal with any situation, be it personal or professional. The first step is to ACCEPT THAT IT EXISTS. People don't accept the problem and try to hide, avoid or resist it. There is no point leaving it or fighting it.

As a parent this is the best thing that has happened in my children's life.

People's perceptions have changed. Areas of thought have expanded. People are connecting globally.

Like prescribed doses of vitamins, one should know the limits.

Everyone must-have *limits and boundaries* for their personal growth.

Every child must get connected to this online world because it is the demand of hour, along with the proper instructions and boundaries.

What is cybercrime?

How much information should be shared?

How much time should provided?

Can I post my friends photos without permission ?

What is age appropriate content for school going students?

What is privacy download ?

What if a child use abusive or hurtful language?

What is a person shares inappropriate pictures or videos ?

What is unsafe downloads ?

Limitations ( boundaries ) are so very important to teach.

Before we expose our child to internet world we must teach them how to use it mundfully and for the greater good.

How can we do it?

"My child doesn't listen to me."

Many parents have complained to me like this.

Your children will listen to you if you are deeply connected to them.

If the mom is posting pics and keeps checking her phone for likes and comments and the dad is watching posts and other stuff that is not appropriate for the child's age, or if they spend too much time on work, they sound like a hypocrite.

If what you do, your child can not do, they want justification for that. 'LAW FOR THEE, NOT FOR ME' does not work.

We can't avoid working on the internet or leaving social media life.

But make sure that when you are with your child, neither you nor your child is on the internet.

Make your connection with your child so deep that they don't need the internet when you are around.


How is your connection with your child?

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